What do you do in the mornings?, What do you do in the mornings on the week days?, What do you do in the evenings on Saturday?, What do you generally do with your friends?, What do you usually do on your birthdays?, What does your bestfriend do on the weekends?, What are your best friend's hobbies?, What do you and your family do on New Year's day?, Do you have any hobbies? Please talk about them., Do you have any brothers or sisters? Talk about them., Choose one person and tell their age/job/hobbies, What is your favourite activity on the beach?, What is your favorite food? Talk about it., What is your favorite TV series? Talk about it., Where are you from? Talk about your city., Who is your favorite actor/actress? Talk about them., Talk about your neighbour., What is your favourite place for holiday?, What is your favourite city?, What is your favourite country?.

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