1) Reviews can have big influence on a film's success.  a) very positive reviews b) the effect someone or something has c) say that something is extremely good/bad 2) The documentary inspired me to start painting.  a) give somebody the enthusiasm to do something they may not have done otherwise b) greatly affected by something or somebody c) be extremely absorbed in something 3) Mary was strongly influenced by his speech  a) give somebody the enthusiasm to do something they may not have done otherwise b) greatly affected by something or somebody 4) I can highly recommend the new restaurant.  a) say what you feel, even if it is controversial b) say that something is very good and tell others about it c) say something is useless 5) The reviewers always heap praise on him.  a) say that something is extremely good/bad b) the effect someone or something has c) say only bad things about something 6) I was so engrossed in the book that I didn't hear the phone.  a) be extremely absorbed in something b) hold something in consideration when doing or thinking about something else c) be really bored 7) Make up your mind, do you prefer the red or black one?  a) finally make a decision b) alter or change a decision or feeling about something c) think about something/discuss it with your friend 8) I chose the red one, but then I changed my mind.  a) finally make a decision b) alter or change a decision or feeling about something c) forget what you wanted to do 9) I know you're a vegetarian and will bear it in mind when I cook.  a) hold something in consideration when doing or thinking about something else b) say that something is very good and tell others about it  c) forget something 10) Don't be afraid to speak your mind.  a) say what you feel, even if it is controversial  b) finally make a decision 11) We have candles to help create a romantic atmosphere.  a) to set a particular mood or tone b) a feeling or effect that lasts a long time  c) organise a party 12) This opera is a bit too highbrow for me. I prefer movies. a) complicated artistic or cultural ideas  b) to set a particular mood or tone c) to be boring 13) The movie's plot was too complicated to understand.  a) the series of events that makes up the story in a book, film, or play b) the fictional people in a book, film, or play  c) the novel/short story based on a film 14) My favorite character was the funny best friend.  a) the fictional people in a book, film, or play b) the series of events that makes up the story in a book, film, or play c) qualities of a person in a film 15) I really enjoyed the opening scene of the play. /closing scene a) the first/ last moments of a book, film, or play b) along, written stories that are fictional 16) The dramatic chain of events was almost unbelievable.  a) a sequence of causes and effect  b) a feeling or effect that lasts a long time c) a necklace or a bracelet 17) Have you seen the latest TV drama about firefighters?  a) a play, movie, television show, or radio show about a serious subject  b) long, written stories that are fictional c) a play by Shakespeare 18) I like to relax by reading romance novels.  a) long, written stories that are fictional b) a play, movie, television show, or radio show about a serious subject c) short stories in fact (like novella) 19) The book left a lasting impression on me. It was incredible.  a) a feeling or effect that lasts a long time. b) a sequence of causes and effects c) I won't remember it by tomorrow 20) The new film has had glowing reviews from all the critics.  a) very positive reviews. b) a sequence of causes and effects c) very negative reviews

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