1) You (laugh) really hard. What (be) so funny? 2) You (buy) something ridiculously expensive. What (be) it? 3) You (have) to apologize to someone. Why? 4) You (go) dancing. What music ... you (dance) to? 5) You (try) something new. What (be) it? 6) You (go) on vacation. Where ... you (go)? How (be) it? 7) You (read) a good book. What book (be) it? What (be) it about? 8) You (go) to a live concert. Who (be) playing? 9) You (be) angry with someone. Why? What ... you (do)? 10) You (be) late to work. Why? What ... you (say) to your boss? 11) You (talk) on the phone for a long time. 12) You (go) to the movies. What movie ... you (see)? How (be) it? 13) You (fall). What (happen)? How ... you (feel)? 14) You (exercise/play a sport). 15) You (eat) a really delicious meal. Where (be) it? What ... you (eat)? 16) You (be) extremely excited about something. What (be) it? 17) You (help) someone. Who (be) it? How ... you (help) them? 18) You (be) surprised. What (happen)? 19) You (have) a headache.  20) You (get) a gift. Who (give) it to you? ... you (like) it? 21) You (argue) with your parents. Why? 22) You (have) a nightmare. 23) You (forget) where something important was.

Tell me about the last time ...


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