1) He reads the newspaper every morning in order to ....... on the news a) burn up b) catch up  c) hang up  2) I hope to .......on some much-needed sleep this weekend a) burn up b) dress up  c) catch up 3) I'll .....with you when we meet up. a) catch up b) brought up  c) bring up  4) Just wear whatever's comfortable—you don't need to ....... a) dress up b) catch up  c) burn up 5) He is going to......... as a cowboy for the party a) burn up b) dress up c) bring up  6) Little kids usually love to ...... in their mothers' clothes a) brought up  b) dress up c) bring up 7) The spacecraft will ...... as it enters the earth's atmosphere a) brought up  b) bring up  c) dress up d) burn up 8) The way he treats me really ....me ...... a) catch up b) burns up c) hangs up  d) brought up  9) Which sport........ more calories—swimming or cycling? a) brought up  b) dresses up c) hangs up  d) burns up 10) It ....... 1500 acres of farmland. a) burn up b) burned up c) catch up d) catch up  11) He was .................... by his aunt. a) burn up b) hang up  c) burn up d) brought up  12) we should ......our children to respect authority a) burn up b) bring up c) dress up  d) burned up 13) As an English person, she decided ...... her children in North Yorkshire. a) 1. catch up  b) 1. brought up  c) 3. bring up  14) Many people...... their children on a diet of junk food and television. a) bring up  b) catch up c) burn up d) dress up  15) Sandy, ..... the phone and do your homework! a) hang up  b) dress up  c) burn up d) bring up  16) We should never...... our hat in somebody's house. when we don't feel welcome a) bring up  b) 2. hang up  c) brought up 

Catch up, dress up, burn up, bring up

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