1) KABUL ETMEK a) accept b) refuse c) invite d) send 2) REDDETMEK a) share b) support c) refuse d) count on 3) İYİ ANLAŞMAK/GEÇİNMEK a) back up b) laid-back c) trust d) get on well 4) GETİRMEK a) argue b) attract c) bring d) throw 5) ÇEKİCİ, CAZİBELİ a) awesome b) cool c) attractive d) calm 6) DESTEKLEYİCİ a) supportive b) forgetful c) reliable d) selfish 7) SIR TUTMAK a) share secret b) tell secret c) keep secret d) tell lie 8) AÇIKLAMAK a) explain b) have fun c) apologize d) eat out 9) DAVET EDEN a) invite b) invitee c) inviter d) guest 10) GÜNLÜK SORUNLAR/MESELELER a) daily life b) daily news c) daily routine d) daily matters 11) İLİŞKİ, BAĞ a) friendship b) relationship c) enemy d) hidden 12) GÜVENMEK a) support b) count on c) get on well d) back up 13) İLGİ (ALANI) a) interest b) gardening c) event d) opinion 14) TARİH a) place b) time c) invitation d) date 15) (TELEFON) YARDIM HATTI a) helpline b) relaxed c) exhibition d) book fair 16) CEVAP, KARŞILIK a) excuse b) offer c) forever d) response 17) BENCİL a) stubborn b) supportive c) selfish d) shy 18) RAHAT, UMURSAMAZ a) laid-back b) calm c) awesome d) honest 19) TARTIŞMAK a) decide b) discuss c) give reason d) forget 20) ARKADAŞ, DOST a) enemy b) secret c) excited d) buddy / mate 21) DOĞRU(YU) SÖYLEMEK  a) tell lie b) tell secret c) tell the time d) tell the truth 22) KARAR VERMEK a) argue b) bring c) attend d) decide 23) KATILMAK (PARTİYE VS) a) get on well b) share c) attend d) count on 24) MAZERET, BAHANE a) excuse b) invitee c) date d) sender 25) GİZLİ a) relaxed b) excited c) hidden d) same 26) ZAMAN/VAKİT GEÇİRMEK a) spend time b) share time c) miss time d) waste time 27) SERGİ a) fair b) exhibition c) tournament d) invitation 28) YANIT, CEVAP, KARŞILIK a) opinion b) interest c) helpline d) response 29) UĞRAMAK a) count on b) come over c) get on well d) back up 30) Jack never changes his mind. He is very ............ . a) selfish b) helpful c) stubborn d) generous 31) ŞAHANE, MÜTHİŞ a) boring b) interesting c) frightening d) awesome 32) NE TÜR / ÇEŞİT? a) How about ...? b) How often ...? c) What kind of ...? d) How many ...? 33) A good friend should be .............. . a) selfish b) stubborn c) forgetful d) supportive 34) ETKİNLİK, OLAY a) exhibition b) event c) excuse d) enemy 35) KAÇIRMAK, ISKALAMAK a) spend b) support c) miss d) offer 36) AYNI a) different b) common c) same d) awesome


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