1) When I don't know the answer to a question I can a) Ask a teacher for help b) Rip up my paper and throw it on the ground c) Raise my voice and yell in class 2) If I am feeling frustrated in my classroom I can a) Make a lot of noise at my desk b) Get up and leave the classroom c) Raise my hand and ask for a break 3) If I want to get someone's attention at school I can a) Talk over the people who are talking b) Push the person I want to talk to c) Wait until my friend is done talking and say excuse me 4) When I lose a game a) Stomp my feet and say it's "no fair" b) Take a deep breath or a break c) Say mean things to my friends 5) When I feel frustrated I can a) Raise my hand and ask for a break b) Refuse to do my work c) Disrupt my friends in class 6) When someone says "hi" to me I can a) Look at them and say "hi" back  b) Yell at the person that said hi c) Ignore the person who said "hi" 7) When the teacher asks me to do something hard I can a) Try it on my own and then ask for help b) Put my head on my desk and give up trying c) Push papers off of my desk 8) When I get an answer wrong in class I can  a) Throw something b) Take a breath and try again c) Yell at my friends or the teacher if they try to help me 9) If I have a hard time staying focused I can a) Use a fidget to keep my hands busy while I think b) Stare out the window at the birds c) Make silly noises to distract the teacher  10) If I am feeling a little out of control I can a) Ask for a break b) Tease the other kids in my classroom c) Throw things around the classroom

making good Choices

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