- What sector and industry do you work in? , - What are the main products or services that your company offers? , - What are the most important skills or qualifications for your job? , - What are some of the benefits and challenges of your job?, - Do you have any plans or goals to change or advance your career in the future? , - What made you decide to work in the sector and industry you are currently in?, - How would you describe the overall atmosphere or culture of your sector or industry?, - What are the key trends or developments currently shaping your sector or industry?, - How long have you been working in your specific sector or industry?, - Who are your company's target customers or clients?, - What do you enjoy most about working in your sector or industry?, - Do you have any plans or goals to change or advance your career in the future?, - How do you stay updated and informed about the latest developments in your sector or industry?, - Have you considered working in a different sector or industry? , - What advice would you give to someone who is considering entering your sector or industry?, - How has your sector or industry changed since you started working in it?, - Are there any specific challenges or opportunities that you foresee in the future of your sector or industry?,

Sectors and industries - personal questions

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