Your parents say they don´t like your girlfriend. You argue with them (3 ), Do a monologue starting with the next phrase: "The other kids laugh at me. I don´t feel good" (1 ), Talk to a friend about the importance of expressing your emotions (2), You tell your parents that you don´t want to be a lawyer and want to be a singer instead.  (3), How will you tell someone that you are interested on them? (2), Express in a monologue what you´d like to do after finishing school. (1), Your son tells you that he is not comfortable with his career choice. How would you react? (2), Someone bullies you at school. What is your first reaction? and what you should do instead? (2 or 3), You are having a session with a shrink about your career paths (2), Your friend tells you that he/she likes your girlfriend/boyfriend? How do you react? (2 or maybe 3), You´ve just found out that your son is doing drugs- Show your reaction (2).

Role Play: Gimme a break

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