Validate, Viability, Vital, Vow, Warrant, Yield, The monk accidentally broke his vow of silence when his friend sneezed., I took my parking garage receipt into the hotel for a stamp to validate that I had been a guest. I was too cheap to pay the overnight parking fee!, Forgetting to fertilize his garden caused Jimmy's garden to yield yield far fewer rutabagas than last year's bumper crop. , Being determined to play in the final round of the video game tournament did not warrant Jimmy's staying up until two in the morning on a school night., If you desire to live in your parents' home until you graduate, you must yield to their rules and expectations , If you want to pass Mrs. Jones' math class, turning in your assignments on time and passing tests are both vital accomplishments., The viability of swallowing an umbrella and then opening it is rather suspect., With the addition of a little extra love, Jimmy's tomato plant vitals was nearly double last year's. Apparently, they respond to love ballads..

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