Industrial Relations Act 1990: Defines a 'trade dispute', Details the procedure that must be undertaken by employees before engaging in a trade dispute, Health & Safety Act, 2005: Provides for substantial fines and penalties for breaking of health and safety legislation, States that employers must provide a safe working environment., Unfair Dismissals Act, 1998-2015: States that all dismissals are presumed to be unfair unless the employer can prove otherwise., Fair Grounds for dismissal includes: Incapable, Incompetent, Misconduct, Redundancies, Employment Equality Act, 1998-2015: This act outlines what 'employment discrimination' is., Under this Act, it is illegal to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of : Gender, Civil Status, Family Status, Sexual Orientation, Religion, Age, Disability, Race or Membership of Traveller community, Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act, 1996: This act is designed to protect students and individuals under 16 years of age, if they work.,

Employment Legislation

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