access to the Internet, lead to success, be capable of , reason for , prevent from illness, be addicted to coffee, give up smoking, no limit to, provide with, take pride in, take for granted, take into consideration, attitude to kids, cater for young people, have a degree in Maths, apart from, find oneself in danger/trouble, for fun/have fun, at first glance, on average, in response to , be responsible for , be in charge of , on the whole, for this reason, be involved in/ smth involves sb, cause of death/success, to address somebody, solve/tackle the problem- решить проблему, to apply to smb, smth for smth, come up with- придумать, rely on, blame somebody for something- винить, be typical of, in practice, keep an eye on- присматривать , contribute to- вкладывать в , to advice on life, appeal to- подходить , due to, all in all, by oneself/on one's own, look forward to- ждать с нетерпением, turn into- превратиться, it suits you!- Вам идет!, in advance-заранее, allow oneself- разрешить, last but not least- последнее, но не менее важное, take up a hobby, enthusiastic about/ worried about , reach home/the summit- достигнуть/добраться , for pleasure- для удовольствия , insist on- настаивать на , look after- присматривать за кем-то, look for- искать, respond to - отвечать на , come into contact, get distracted from - отвлекаться , concerned about -обеспокоен , in terms of -относительно чего-то, provide with , make an appointment with a doctor, avoid smth/sb , come to an end, be aware of , cope with/deal with, affect smth, have harmful effect on smth, react to smth, make fun of , be similar to, be different from, have a break, make a difference, do research, it's worth doing smth, be reluctant to -неохотно что-то делать, talk about , hesitate to -не сомневаются делать, be in exchange for, in brief-вкратце , by hand , set off- отправиться , discourage from , congratulate on , gain in popularity .

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