1) ... of the students have two books. a) each b) every c) all 2) There is a bus ... 2 hours. a) each b) every 3) There are four worksheets. Please, take one of ... a) each b) every c) all 4) We enjoyed ... minute of our holiday. a) each b) every c) all 5) These lemons cost 25 cent .. . a) each b) every c) all 6) The kids ... have their own e-mail address. a) each b) every c) all 7) We lost $20 ... . a) each b) every c) all 8) They're open ... day except Sunday. a) each b) every 9) There's a tram ... ten minutes. a) each b) every c) all 10) There are two boys. ............. of them is smiling. a) Each b) Every 11) I get up at 6 o'clock ... morning. a) each b) every 12) ....................houses need to be built following strict rules and regulations. a) each b) every c) all

All, every or each

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