找 - look for, 哪裡 - where, 裡面 - inside, 外面 - outside, 前面 - in front of, 後面 - behind , 沙發 - sofa, 房間 - room, 這 - this, 那 - that, 張 - measure word for flat object, 照片 - picture, 左邊 - the left side, 右邊 - the right side, 中間 - the middle, 誰 - who, 那時候 - then, at that time, 請問 - May I please ask..., 遠 - far, 近 - close, 坐 - ride; sit, 校車 - school bus, 開車 - drive, 走路 - walk, 平常 - usually, 怎麼 - how, 學校 - school, 在家 - at home, 朋友 - friend, 謝謝 - thanks,

生字複習 (character review Book 1 Lesson 9-12)

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