1) Where is Gatsby’s mansion located? a) East egg b) West egg c) Park Avenue d) Brooklyn 2) Where does Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy take place? a) By the pool b) At the gold tournament c) At Nick's house d) At the yacht's race 3) In what year is The Great Gatsby set? a) 1925 b) 1923 c) 1924 d) 1922 4) Where were Nick and Tom educated? a) Yale b) Princeton c) Harvard d) Duke 5) What is Jordan Baker's occupation? a) Softball pitcher b) Philanthropist c) Secretary d) Golfer 6) What is Nick’s home state? a) Minnesota b) North Dakota c) Florida d) Wisconsin 7) Which millionaire hired the young Gatsby as an assistant? a) Cody Baker b) Hanks McGovan c) Dan Cody d) Clint McGovan 8) Where is the valley of ashes? a) Between Between West Egg and New York city. b) Between Death Valley and Salinas Valley. c) Between East Egg and West Egg. d) Between Greenwich village and Hell's kitchen. 9) Which woman is Tom’s ex-lover? a) Daisy b) Myrtle c) Ellen d) Jordan 10) Who drives the car that kills Myrtle? a) Jordan b) Gatsby c) Daisy d) Tom 11) What does the billboard overlooking Valley of Ashes depict?  a) Eyes of T.J. Eckleburg b) Eyes of Donald Trump. c) Eyes of Lukáš Šlehofer d) None of the above are correct 12) Which is the code letter you need to open the Escape room? Letter number 19. a) Z b) A c) U d) S

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