Firstly I will begin by looking at my hometown and its advantages and disadvantages., Secondly I will move on to discuss my hobbies and passions, My next point concerns my work experience and the transferable skills I have acquired, Thirdly I am going to share with you my academic background and the transferable skills I have gained from mystudies, Thirdly I will focus on my goals and objectives, Following this I will highlight my work experience and explain the transferable skills I have acquired, Finally I will be talking about my passion and interest for hospitality, The aim of this presentation is to introduce myself and let you know a bit more about who I am, I´m going to divide my talk into 4 parts, For my last point, I´d like to introduce my ideas for my future career, And finally I will summarise the key points, So moving on then, let's look at the menu design, There are four main parts I'd like to discuss: ABandC, To recap what we've looked at then...,

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