To remove from a position of power or authority. - Dethrone, A foreign currency held in significant quantities by governments and institutions as part of their foreign exchange reserves. - Reserve currency, An acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, representing five major emerging economies. - BRICS Nations, An experienced economist with a long career in the field. - Veteran economist, Strongly criticized or condemned. - Blasted, Causing a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness. - Embarrassing, Conflict or rivalry among members of the same group or organization. - Infighting, The process of reducing reliance on the U.S. dollar in international trade and finance. - De-dollarization, Penalties imposed on a country, often in the form of trade restrictions, to influence its behavior. - Sanctions, Control or power over others. - Dominance, Severely damaging or debilitating. - Crippling, An option or substitute. - Alternative, The total influence or impact of multiple things when taken together. - Combined weight, A monetary system where a country's currency or paper money has a value directly linked to gold. - Gold standard, Foreign currencies held by governments and central banks as part of their foreign exchange reserves. - Global currency reserves, : The condition where a country's political system is durable and not prone to sudden changes. - Political stability, A person, organization, or country that competes with another. - Competitor, A situation in which something starts small but grows in significance or importance over time. - Snowball effect, A feeling of esteem or admiration shared between two or more parties. - Mutual respect, A brief war between China and India in 1962 over border disputes. - Sino-Indian War,

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