keyboard - an input device used to enter characters and functions into the computer system by pressing buttons, mouse - a pointing device that is used with a computer with a graphical user interface , Trackerballs - a small ball that is set in a holder and can be rotated by hand to move a cursor on a computer screen., Remote control - control of a machine or apparatus from a distance by means of radio or infrared signals transmitted from a device., Joystick - a control unit that acts like the mouse, Driving Wheel - A wheel transmitting motive power in machinery, touch screen - an electronic display screen that is also an input device, scanners - a device that converts images and other stuff into digital data , Camera - a device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video signals., Microphones - inputs sound into a computer by converting sound waves into digital data, sensors - it detects and responds to some type on input, light pen - light sensitive input device that was used before the development of touchscreens,

lesson 2.1 Input devices

Таблица лидеров

Флэш-карты — это открытый шаблон. Он не создает баллы для таблицы лидеров.

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