Harrow: It was founded in 1572., It is located in north-west Lodon., It is a boarding school., Two uniforms: one for everyday use and one for Sunday dress. The day uniform consists of a white shirt,black tie, greyers(trousers), black shoes, a bluer(a jacket) and a classic Harrow hat., A very academic school. They have the normal school curriculam + they offer elective courses and invite regular outside speakers to inspire, educate andencourage engagement with the world at large., The size of the 6th class is 8 people, the size of the other classes is 12 people., There is spacious indoor pool, squash and tennis courts, a golf court, fields and grounds for team games. An annual cricket match has taken place between Harrow and Eton Colleges since 1805., Wycombe Abbey: It was founded in 1896., The school is located in Buckinhamshire., It is a boarding school but there are also some day boarders who live locally., Years 7 to 11 girls have to wear uniform. There is no uniform but a dress code in the Sixth Form., The academic work takes up the lion's share of the day., There are 10 people in the 6th grade and 12 people in the other classes., The campus has a sports complex with a spacious swimming pool, a gym, a climbing wall, a dance studio, a fithess centre and squash courts., Westminster School:  The school was founded by Queen Elizabeth 1 in 1560 but the tradition of education dates back to a 12th century charity school., It is located near Westminster Abbey in the centre of London., This is a day school but for about a quarter of the students it is a boarding school., No information ., The school is known for its high level of academic preparation. Tha National curriculum + the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally., No information provided., 28 kinds of sport, known within the school as Stations. In addition to traditional sports - football, rowing and cricket - pupils are offered fencing, hockey, tennis, swimming, cross-country running, rock climbing,judo, netball and etc.,

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