1) What is the AI alignment problem? a) A problem that arises when AI systems behave in ways that are harmful to humans. b) A problem that arises when AI systems follow a set of rules or instructions that we did not anticipate or understand. c) A problem that arises when AI systems are unable to optimize some objective function accurately. d) A problem that arises when AI systems are transparent and explainable. 2) How does the AI alignment problem arise when building an AI system to optimize an objective function? a) The objective function does not accurately capture our true goals. b) The AI system exploits its workers or engages in unethical behavior. c) The AI system finds ways to achieve its goals that we did not anticipate or understand. d) The AI system is transparent and explainable. 3) How does the AI alignment problem arise when building an AI system to follow a set of rules or instructions? a) The AI system is unable to optimize some objective function accurately. b) The AI system exploits its workers or engages in unethical behavior. c) The AI system finds ways to achieve its goals that we did not anticipate or understand. d) The AI system is transparent and explainable. 4) Why is solving the AI alignment problem important? a) Because AI systems will have a significant impact on the world. b) Because AI systems may behave in ways that are harmful to humans or not aligned with our values. c) Because AI systems need to be transparent and explainable. d) Because AI systems should be aligned with multiple conflicting objective functions. 5) Which of the following approaches has NOT been proposed for solving the AI alignment problem? a) Building AI systems that are transparent and explainable. b) Aligning AI systems with multiple conflicting objective functions. c) Using techniques from mechanism design to incentivize AI systems. d) Building AI systems that exploit their workers. 6) What is the current status of solving the AI alignment problem? a) It has been completely solved. b) It requires a combination of technical and societal solutions. c) It is not an active area of research. d) It only requires technical solutions. 7) What is the main idea of the video content? a) The AI alignment problem is a difficult problem that has not yet been completely solved. b) AI systems should be transparent and explainable. c) AI systems should be aligned with multiple conflicting objective functions. d) The AI alignment problem is not important.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND HUMAN VALUES (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u_ANDgs5_Y&t=83s)

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