1) There were e-books readers before the Amazon Kindle, but the Kindle was the first to become popular around the world. Reasonable price (A1) ... a big part of the Kindle line's appeal. a) was always been b) had always been c) was always being d) has always been e) is always being 2) Since it first (A2) ... in 2007, millions of Kindles have been sold and Amazon now sells more e-books than paper books. a) is appeared b) was appearing c) has appeared d) was appeared e) appeared 3) The Kindle (A3) ...  you access to digital books and provides the best method for reading them and that’s what drives the Kindle on. a) is given b) had given c) was given d) was giving e) gives 4) When it was time to give the Kindle a name, Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos, (A4) ... Michael Cronan to try to think of one. a) was asked b) has asked c) was asking d) asked e) had asked 5) Cronan, who was an American designer, also had a business that created names for companies books and Bezos didn’t want to annoy them. A lot of different names (A5) ..., but he finally chose 'kindle', which means ‘to light a fire’. a) were considered b) were considering c) have considered d) considered e) had considered 6) Cronan thought that this (A6) ... people of the excitement they feel when they (A7) ... their favourite book. The name was also inspired by a line from French novelist Victor Hugo: ‘to read is to light a fire’.  a) will remind b) would remind c) is reminding d) has reminded e) was reminded 7) Cronan thought that this (A6) ... people of the excitement they feel when they (A7) ... their favourite book. The name was also inspired by a line from French novelist Victor Hugo: ‘to read is to light a fire’.  a) are enjoyed b) had enjoyed c) are enjoying d) will be enjoyed e) were enjoyed

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