Anna: ____ Operator: Hello. How may I help you? Anna: I'd would like a ticket for ____, please. Operator: Sure. Anna : What time does the train leave? Operator: The ____ for Sibiu leaves in ____. Anna: Is the ticket ____? Operator: No, ____. It's ____. Anna: Wow, that's ____. Okay. One ticket, ____. Operator : Here you go. Anna: And here's ____ lei. Operator: Here's your ticket, and your ____, madam. Have a ____ day! Anna : ____. You too! Bye. Bella: Hello. Operator: Hello. Can____ you? Bella: I'd would like a ____ ticket for Galati, please. Operator: Sure. Bella : ____ does the ferry leave? Operator: In ____ Bella: Is the ticket expensive? Operator: ____ It's ____ Bella: Wow, that's actually____. Okay. One ticket, please. Operator : Here. ____ Bella : Thank you. Bye.

Buying train and ferry tickets

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