Focus - where the earthquake starts, earthquake - a sudden movement of earth, epicentre - the place directly above the focus, tremors - shock waves, seismologist - a person who studys earthquakes , seismograph - what a seismometer is on, seismometer - machine used to measre movement of the earth, Richter scale - a scale that measures when the earth moves on a graph, modifyed mercalli scale - sacke measuring peoples scenses during the quake, earthquakes can - damage buildings,cause explosions,damage dam walls,buckle railways and roads, ledc - less economically developed countries , medc - more economically developed countries , earthquake saftey - no construction of fault lines, social impact of earthquake - people killed,, economic impact of earthquake - cost of repair, eviornmental impact of earthquake - Pollution, Example of an arthquake  - nepal, when was the nepal earthquake - april 25 ,2015,

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