Maybe we ____ for dinner tonight. I have a day off tomorrow. I ____ my grandmother. I think I ____ the dog for a walk now. The clouds are very black. It ____. My best friend ____ to Germany next month. He has a new job there. Don't get up. I ____ the phone. I ____ a beef steak and French fries, please. Do you have any plans for Saturday? - Yes, we ____ a barbecue. A: OMG! I can't open the locker, it's jammed! B: Let me have a look. I ____ you! Can you see the speeding car? There's a sharp bend there. He____ hit the traffic light! A: What ____ you ____ tomorrow night? B: Nothing special. Have you got any plans? A: We____ the cinema. Would you like to join? B: What's on? A: The new movie with Joaquin Phoenix, about the French revolution. B: Oh, that sounds great! I ____ come. We promise we ____ behave. A: I haven't got my phone. B: That's OK. I ____ lend you mine. Do you know about Martha? She____ have a baby!

Project 5 Unit 2A - Future

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