What is the longest that you have flown on a plane?, How old were you when you flew for the first time?, Do you enjoy flying? Why or why not?, Where do you prefer to sit on a plane? In a window, middle or aisle seat?, What are the best things about travelling by plane?, What are the worst things about travelling by plane?, What is your opinion on airplane food?, What things do you do to pass the time while flying?, Have you ever travelled first class? If not, how do you think it will be different to economy class?, Describe some differences between a budget airline and a regular airline., Some airlines charge 2 seats for larger people. What do you think about that?, Would you like to work as part of an airline crew? Why?, Do you watch the safety instructions at the start of the flight? If not, why?, Some people dream that they are flying. What do you think this represents?, Have you ever had a frightening experience while flying? What happened?, It is said that flying is safer than driving. Do you feel this is true?, Do you usually pay for travel insurance? Or is it a waste of money?, Have you ever had an problems at an airport?, Have you ever missed a flight or had one cancelled? How did you feel?, What security measures are in place at the airports in your country?, Name 3 things you need to do before boarding a flight., Name 3 things you need to do after getting off a flight., Do you talk to the people next to you on the airplane?, Have you ever made a friendship with someone you met on a flight?, Are you able to sleep easily on a flight? Why do you think that is?, Why do you think that most pilots are men?, Why are most flight attendants women?, What do you think the qualifications for a flight attendant are?, Do you know anyone who has a fear of flying?, Name 10 things you can see inside an airport., What do you enjoy most about travelling by plane?, Have you ever become afraid while flying? What did you do to calm yourself?, Would you be interested to fly to the moon or into space in the future?, Explain the difference between a domestic and an international flight., What was the smallest plane you have ever been on?, Would you ever go skydiving? Why or why not?, What famous places have you visited in the world?, What countries do you want to visit in the future?, Which countries do you think are best for a holiday?, What type of holidays do you like? (Eg. camping, backpacking, five-star resort...), What's your favourite thing to do on holiday?, Do you prefer to explore a new city by bus or on foot?, Have you ever stayed in a hostel?, When was your last holiday and what did you do?, Where are the best places to go in your home-country?, Do you have a 'travel buddy' (your favourite person to travel with)?, In your opinion, what is the most overrated famous attraction? (overrated = every one says it's the best but in reality it's just 'ok'), Why do you think people continue to visit "tourist traps" where they are taken advantage of?, What 5 things do you ALWAYS bring with you on a holiday?, Why may some people not enjoy traveling?, How can you travel without spending too much money?, Describe the most interesting person you met on one of your travels., What are some important things to take when you travel to another country?, Have you ever bought souvenirs from another country?, Do you think you have to spend a lot of money to have a good holiday?, Some people say we travel too much these days and shouldn't go on so many holidays. What do you think?, Why do you think people like to go away on holiday?, What do you think is the biggest advantage of living in a place where there are a lot of tourists?, What are some disadvantages of living in a place where there are a lot of tourists?, What can people do to have a good holiday in your country?, What's good about living in cities in your country?, If you could choose to visit a city you've never been to, for one day only, which one would you choose?, Would you prefer to live in a modern city or a city with lots of history?, Are there advantages to living in a small town rather than in a big city? What are they?, Do you think it is better for children to grow up in the city or in the countryside?, What do you think makes a good tourist attraction?, Ask your partner a question related to travel or holidays: "Are you interested in___?" , Ask your partner a question related to travel or holidays: "Do any of your friends___?" , Ask your partner a question related to travel or holidays: "Do you like___?" , Ask your partner a question related to travel or holidays: "Do you plan to___?" , Ask your partner a question related to travel or holidays: "Do you prefer to___or___?" , Ask your partner a question related to travel or holidays: "Do you spend a lot of time___?" , Ask your partner a question related to travel or holidays: "Do you spend a lot of time___?" , Ask your partner a question related to travel or holidays: "Do you usually___?" , Ask your partner a question related to travel or holidays: "Has___ changed since you were younger?" , Ask your partner a question related to travel or holidays: "Is there anything that you would really like to…in the future?" , Ask your partner a question related to travel or holidays: "Tell us about the last time you___" , Ask your partner a question related to travel or holidays: "What sort of___do you___?" , Are you or any of your friends interested in backpacking?, Would you prefer a package tour, or to plan your own trip?, Name some ways that you can keep yourself safe when on holiday., Would you prefer to spend your summer holidays in the countryside or on the beach?, Do you spend a lot of time planning what you will do on holiday, or do you go on a whim (with nothing properly planned)?, Do you usually read travellers’ reviews before booking a holiday?, How much do you rely on restaurant reviews before eating at a new place?, How extravagant/budget are you when you take a holiday?, Would you describe yourself as an adventurous traveller?, Would you prefer to take short holidays every year or save up your money for a longer trip every few years?, How can travelling to other countries make you more open-minded?, Is there anything you would like to learn about Australia?, Tell us something about the area where you grew up. What would tourists enjoy there?, Have you ever had to rely on English to communicate with locals on a holiday?, What’s public transport like in your country?, Would you prefer to travel with someone who was flexible with plans, or someone who is well organised?, What type of tourist activity would you prefer to do alone?, When you travel do you visit parks and museums? Or would you consider that too boring?, Do you think there are enough public holidays?, Have you ever visited the same holiday or tourist location more than once?, Have you ever regretted a trip? Why?, Have you ever experienced a dangerous or scary situation while on holiday?.

FCE I3-I4 M3 Unit 8 Flight and Travel Questions

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