1) Citymeals on Wheels is one of the largest meals-on-wheels programmes in the United States. The team there (A1) ... over two million meals by hand every year to more than 18,000 elderly New Yorkers who can no longer shop or cook themselves. a) had delivered b) will be delivered c) is delivered d) was delivered e) delivers 2) Gael Green, a restaurant critic, and James Beard, cookbook author, (A2) ... the organisation back in 1981. a) have started b) started c) were started d) have been starting e) are starting 3) They (A3) ... to learn that budget cuts meant that many elderly New Yorkers had nothing to eat on weekdays and holidays. So they decided to do something. a) shocked b) were shocking c) had shocked d) have shocked e) were shocked 4) By asking friends and co-workers in the food community, they were able to raise 30,000 dollars to help them give a meal to 6,000 elderly people! Since then, the operation (A4) ... and the demand is now far greater. a) was grown b) was growing c) will be grown d) has grown e) grows

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