“Let’s circle back on this.” - “Let’s talk about this later.”, “That part of the project is net-new.” - “Something completely new has been added to the project.”, “After careful consideration, we have decided to pivot.” - “We’ve thought about it and decided to change our plan.”, “Let’s not boil the ocean on this one.” - “Let’s not make this task more difficult than it needs to be.”, “This idea won’t scale.” - “This idea might work now, but it won’t work if we try to make it bigger or use it more widely.”, “Does anyone have bandwidth for this?” - “Does anyone have time to help with this?”, “Can I pick your brain for a second?” - “Can I ask for your thoughts or ideas?”, “Feel free to ping me.” - “You can contact me if you need to.”, “What were the key learnings here?” - “What important things did we learn from this?”,

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