Sophie: How's your studying going, Dan? Dan: Not great. I'm really behind with my ____. Sophie: Have you finished your ____ yet? Dan: No, not yet. And then there's my ____ due next week. Sophie: Sounds like a lot of work. Do you think you'll ____ any of them? Dan: I hope not. But even if I do, I can ____ them in the next term. Sophie: Good idea. What ____ are you aiming for on your scholarship ____? Dan: At least B. I need to maintain a high average to keep my ____. Sophie: Well, let me know if you need any help. I have some free time this week. Dan: Thanks, that would be great. Can we study together tomorrow afternoon? Sophie: Sure, let me check my ____... Yes, after lunch works for me. Dan: Perfect, thanks Sophie. You're a lifesaver. Sophie: No problem, that's what friends are for!

Gateway B1+ Unit 5 Learning ex 4 Vocabulary

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