a complete body fossil - it is a fossil that keeps the whole shape and all the details of the body of the living organism as a result of its rapid burying as soon as it died in a medium that preserves its body from decomposing, trace - it is the traces of an old living organism that indicates its activity during life, solid mold fossil - it is the replica of the internal details of the structure of an old living organism left after its death in sedimentary rocks, trilobite - example of solid mold fossil, studying life evolution - is one of the things that fossils help in, condition for fossil formation - presence of hard skeleton organism, gymnosperms  - appeared before angiosperms, foraminifera - example of microfossils, petrification - it is the process of conversion of the parts of an old living organism to rocky materials as a result of replacing the organic material of the organism with minerals, part by part, amber - a solidified resinous matter,

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