1) like a) baseball b) hamburgers c) coffee d) go 2) have a) good b) a credit card c) a phone d) a brother 3) work a) for the BBc b) a credit card c) in the evenings d) in an office 4) drive a) a taxi b) to the shops c) a phone d) to a restaurant 5) study a) at university b) ten hours a week c) Chinese d) to the school 6) live a) a taxi b) in a house c) with my parents d) in a flat 7) go a) to Japan b) on the restaurant c) to the countryside d) to room ten 8) do a) exercise 9 b) a house c) do sport d) do your homework 9) be a) a dealer b) fine c) 30 years old d) to a teacher 10) read a) a book b) a magazine c) music d) a newspaper 11) listen a) music b) to a radio programme c) to music d) to your parents 12) play a) the guitar b) the tennis c) the piano d) in a band 13) want a) a new car b) flat c) to be a millionaire d) to go to the restaurant 14) watch a) TV b) a film c) the cinema d) a play 15) cost a) ten euros b) a lot of money c) a fortune d) a newspaper 16) write a) a car b) a message c) an email d) a letter

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