1) носить форму a) Come on time b) Wear a uniform c) Follow the school rules d) Behave well at school 2) приходить вовремя a) Wear a uniform b) Behave well at school c) Come on time d) Don’t throw litter 3) всегда приносить книги a) Always bring books b) Wear a uniform c) Keep school clean and tidy d) Don’t be late 4) делать дз a) Do homework b) Be quiet c) Calm down! d) Don’t throw litter 5) быть вежливым a) Be quiet b) Don’t be rude c) Wear a uniform d) Be polite 6) хорошо вести себя в школе a) Follow rules b) Behave well at school c) Always bring books d) Don’t be rude 7) содержать школу в чистоте a) Keep school clean and tidy b) Be quiet c) Don’t throw litter d) Be polite 8) следуй школьным правилам a) Calm down! b) Always bring books c) Don’t be rude d) Follow school rules 9) не выбрасывай мусор a) Don’t throw litter b) Always bring books c) Come on time d) Don’t be late 10) тише a) Always bring books b) Be quiet c) Be polite d) Follow school rules 11) не опаздывай a) Don’t be late b) Keep school clean and tidy c) Don’t throw litter d) Behave well at school 12) успокойся a) Be polite b) Calm down! c) Keep school clean and tidy d) Behave well at school 13) не будь грубым a) Don’t throw litter b) Don’t be rude c) Wear a uniform d) Be polite

Unit 7 school rules

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