drifts - if your mind ... or ... off, you start thinking about other things when you are meant to be concentrating on something else, payroll - a company’s ... is the amount of money it spends on paying its workers. If someone is on the ..., they are an employee of the company, inevitability - the ... of something is the fact that it will definitely happen, slump - if you ..., or if your head or shoulders are ..., you sit or walk with your head down because you are tired or miserable, numb - if you feel ..., you cannot think clearly because you are shocked, frightened, or very upset., formality - if a process or action is a ..., it happens but it won’t change anything because the result has already been decided, enthuse - if someone or something ...s you, or if you are ...ed by them, you feel very excited and impressed about something and are eager to be involved in it, small talk - polite conversation about unimportant things, drop the subject * - to stop talking about something, especially because it is upsetting or annoying, sit (around) on your backside *  - to do nothing, jammy *  - unfairly lucky, beggar * - a person, especially when you are expressing an opinion about something that they have done, or that has happened to them, a pain (in the neck) * - someone or something that is very annoying, juicy * - big, important, or of a high qualit,

outcomes advanced 9 out of the office pre-teach

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