What do you think of when you ____ the word mash-up? A mix of two ____ music styles? Or a mix of different songs? DJ Spooky ____ mash-ups by mixing two different music styles—like classical and dubstep. You probably ____ of a mash-up as a new thing. The word mash-up may ____ new, but there have been mash-ups throughout history. For example, the Ancient Egyptians mashed up a ____'s body with a human ____ to create the Great Sphinx of Giza. Can you think of any other mythical mash-ups? A centaur is a traditional mash-up of a man and a ____. You've probably read about them in books or seen ____ in movies. But animal mash-ups exist in the real ____, too. A zedonk is a cross between a female donkey and a male zebra. A lion and a tiger ____ is called a liger. A geep is part goat, part sheep. Weird, but true! We've talked about audio and animal mash-ups, but can you think of ____ types of mash-ups? Disc golf is a mash-up of two ____: golf and disc throwing. And volenis is a mash-up of volleyball and tennis. There are also food mash-ups. Such mash-ups are often ____ fusion foods. A mash-up between a hamburger and a bowl of ramen is called a ramenburger. The bun is made of noodles! What's your ____ of mash-ups? What would you mash up?

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