There are many things we can do to help the ____. The first thing is to be more careful with our ____. We should ____ paper, glass and ____ because this reduces ____. We can also buy products that don't use a lot of ____. Another important thing is to save ____. We can do this by turning off ____ and computers when we're not using them. We can also use less hot water. This saves energy and money. And we can use ____ transport instead of cars. Cars ____ a lot of pollution. We can also ____ care of our planet by looking after animals. Some ____ are in danger of becoming ____. We can help by not buying products made from ____ animals. We can also join organizations that ____ animals and their homes. Finally, we can all do something about ____ change. We can ____ trees because they absorb ____ dioxide. We can also organize ____ to tell governments to prevent global ____. And we can help by telling other people what to do. In conclusion, it's our ____ to look after our planet. If we all do small things, we can make a big ____.

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