astronaut - a person who travels in space, rocket - a vehicle used for space travel that is propelled by engines, satellite - an object that orbits around a planet or other celestial bodies, space debris - man-made objects in space, such as old satellites and rocket parts, that can pose a hazard to a spacecraft to launch a rocket, galaxy - a large system of stars, gas, and dust that are held together by gravity, celestial - referring to the sky or outer space, launch a rocket - to send a rocket into the air, ISS (International Space Station) - a large spacecraft that orbits Earth and serves as a research laboratory, lunar - referring to the moon, solar system - the sun and all the objects that orbit around it, including planets, asteroids, and comets, meteor - a small piece of space debris that burns up upon entering the Earth's atmosphere, gravity - the force that attracts objects towards each other, space exploration - the act of travelling or investigating outer space, especially in order to learn more about it, telescope - an instrument used to observe distant objects in space, rover - vehicle used for exploring the surface of other planets or moons, spacecraft - any vehicle designed for travel in space, take off - to leave the ground and begin to fly, terrestrial - referring to life or objects on Earth, universe - all of space and everything in it, including stars, galaxies, and planets, cosmonaut - a Russian term for an astronaut, orbit - the path that a celestial object takes as it revolves around another object, space tourism - the concept of commercial travel to space for recreational purposes, land - to come down onto the surface after moving through the air, asteroid - a small, rocky object that orbits the sun,
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