感兴趣 - (gǎn xìng qù) to be interested, 特别感兴趣 - (tè bié gǎn xìng qù) to be especially interested, 特别有意思 - especially interesting, 感兴趣 - to be interested, 我对人文特别感兴趣。 - (Wǒ duì Rénwén tèbié gǎnxìngqù.) I am especially interested in Humanities (I&S)., 我觉得科学特别有意思。 - I think Science is especially interesting., 我最喜欢语文课,因为老师对我很好。 - I like Language & Literature the most, because (the) teacher is nice to me., 很有用 - (hěn yǒu yòng) very useful, 我觉得数学很有用。 - I think/feel that Math is useful., 很难学 - (hěn nán xué) is hard learn, 听、说、读、写 - (👂Tīng, 💬shuō, 📖dú, ✍️xiě) Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, 很难写 - (hěn nán xiě) is hard to write, 不容易写 - (bù róng yì xiě) not easy to write, 汉字很难写。 - (hàn zì hěn nán xiě) Chinese characters are hard to write., 中文的听说很容易,但是读和写有点难。 - The Listening and Speaking (part) of Chinese is easy, but Reading and Writing is a little difficult.,

6.4.2 Why is that your favourite subject?

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