Julie: I can't believe you did a parachute jump ! Did you find it scary? - Julie said that she couldn’t believe that Brian had done a parachute jump and Julie asked Brian if he found the parachute jump scary., Brian: I didn't really think about it. I just jumped! - He told her that he had not even thought about it. He said that he had just jumped., Julie: Were people watching on the ground? - Then she asked him if people had been watching below., Brian: Yes, there were lots of people. I'm doing another jump next week. Do you want to come and do a jump, too? - He told her that there had been a lot of people watching. He asked if she wanted to do a parachute jump with him the following week., Julie: I don't think so. I would be very afraid. - She told him that she didn’t want to because she would be too scared., Brian: Don't be afraid! The trainers will show you what to do. - He explained that the trainers would show her what to do., Julie: OK, then. I'll do it! - So she told Brian that she would do it,

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