1) She sang __________ at the concert last night. a) beautiful b) beautifully 2) I hope to get a more __________ job next year a) stable b) stabily 3) The scientist explained the theory __________ ensuring everyone understood the complex concepts a) clear b) clearly 4) The artist's latest painting is __________, showcasing her talent and attention to detail. a) exceptional b) exceptionally 5) She was ________ when it came to discussing marriage. a) serious b) seriously 6) The policy was implemented __________ across all departments, leading to significant improvements a) efficient b) efficiently 7) We were surprised how ________ the team was in this project. a) quick b) quickly 8) "Are you _______?" he asked, not believing his eyes. a) serious b) seriously 9) The marathon runner completed the race __________ despite the grueling heat and challenging terrain a) heroic b) heroically

Adverbs VS Adjectives B1

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