1) Digital literacy means a) the ability to read and write b) ability to effectively use digital tools and platforms c) ability to understand numbers d) ability to identify different cultures 2) Which of the following is a strong password? a) 123456 b) password c) MySecureP@ssword! d) abcdefg 3) Phishing means a) a method to catch fish b) a type of computer virus c) an attempt to obtain your sensitive information, such as password and online bank accounts  d) a programming language 4) An example of digital content creation a) browsing a website b) writing a blog post c) reading an email d) searching in oogle 5) What is the primary function of an antivirus program? a) to speed up internet browsing b) to protect against malicious software c) to store passwords security d) to create digital content 6) Which of the following best describes "digital footprint"? a) The history of the websites you've visited. b) The amount of space your files take up on a hard drive. c) The trail of data you leave behind while using the internet. d) The number of friends you have on social media. 7) Which of the following is NOT a social media platform? a) twitter b) Linkedin c) Excel d) Instagram 8) Facilitates access to online learning resources and educational tools. a) Educational Advancement b) Career Opportunities c) Civic engagement d) Social Interaction 9) Enhances communication and networking opportunities through social media and other platforms. a) Educational Advancement b) Civic Engagement c) Career Opportunities d) Social Interaction 10) Empowers individuals to participate in online communities and digital democracy. a) Social Interaction b) Educational Advancement c) Career Opportunities d) Civic Engagement


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