If two or more activities, subjects, or periods of time _______, they have some parts that are the same - (v.) overlap: I say “work with”, I’m more on the IT side but with Jeremy being the office manager we obviously have overlaps., to have control and authority over something or someone and the duty of taking care of it, him, or her - (adj.) responsible: He’s responsible for infrastructure whereas I take more of a lead in programme development, having formally agreed to marry - (adj.) engaged: So how does it feel to be engaged Rachel?, If you ___ ___ ____, you tell someone the information about an event (day, time) so they can keep that day free and be able to attend the event - set the date: Have you set a date yet...?, responsible for doing something illegal that you have been accused of in court: - (idiom) Guilty as charged! , the parts of something that are hidden or difficult to find: - (idiom) nooks and crannies: So you two’ll know all the nooks and crannies of the house then!, to form an opinion or idea about someone or something that is unfair or wrong - (v.) misjudge: Sorry, that was misjudged., to stop a person from speaking for a short period by something you say or do - (v.) interrupt: Not interrupting anything, am I?, to annoy or cause problems for someone - (v.) bother: You can do what you like, it doesn’t bother me., to smell very unpleasant - (v.) stink: I’m not being rude but there’s a man downstairs who absolutely stinks., wearing in smart or formal clothes - dressed up: She’s all dressed up for the party with her new dress and full makeup., a poor old lady who spends her time trying to feed the poor birds near a cathedral - Feed the Birds, the part of your body that you sit on - (n.) bottom: I’ve just got a Christmas tree sticking in my bottom., a guessing game where one player chooses an object within sight and announces to the other players that - A: I spy with my little eye something beginning with 'WD". B: Wardrobe door? A: Yes! How did you guess?, to break something so that it does not separate, but very thin lines appear on its surface, or to become broken in this way - (n.) crack: Is anyone else hot in here? Can we just open the door a crack, I need to get some air..., to urinate - (n/v) pee: I’m going to have a pee break then. All that champagne has gone straight through me., to interrupt what someone is doing - (v.) disturb: I heard you all talking in there but I didn’t want to disturb you., to release gas from the bowels through the bottom - (n/v) fart: Right I’m coming in, nobody fart., to find a way to make someone leave because you do not want the person to be with you any longer - (phr. v) get rid of: Have you got rid of him?, hate - (v.) loathe: I loathe playing other people’s family games, it’s such a bore., (n.) curtains: If were I hiding in this room, where would I go? Not behind those curtains - they’re a migraine waiting to happen., to cause something to exist and develop - (n/v) seed: You don’t need to seed it, you just say it., (adj.) dusty: It’s just a bit dusty in here, that’s all., upset and angry because someone that you love seems interested in another person - (adj.) jealous: Oh, what’s the matter Carl, are you jealous?, to get in, through, under, etc. with difficulty - (v.) squeeze: Oh looks like I’m one of the last to join the party. Can I squeeze in?, to find someone in the act of doing something illegal - (idiom) catch someone red-handed: Argh, caught red-handed!, an event or experience that helps you achieve something else - (n.) stepping stone: Thought you could use me as a stepping stone did you?,

Inside #9. Season 1. Episode 1. Sardines.

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