Sorry, I didn't catch your name. - You didn’t hear someone’s name on the phone, I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that - You’re one the phone and you didn’t hear what someone said., Sorry, where did you say you worked? - Someone told you their company name but you have forgotten, Sorry, what was that? I didn't hear. - Your colleague calls out something from the next room and you didn’t hear what they said., Sorry, what was your name again? - You've been introduced to someone, but have forgotten their name, I still don’t understand. Can you please rephrase that? - You want someone to say something in a different way, because you didn’t understand., Sorry, you've lost me. Can you go through that again? - Your boss gives you a detailed set of instructions and you have stopped understanding while they were explaining., Sorry, can you speak up a bit? - Someone's voice is very quiet on the phone, What do you mean by "cream the butter and sugar together”? I've never heard that before. - Someone says "cream the butter and sugar together”, and you don't really understand the meaning of the expression., What does “mahi” mean? I don't know that word. - You don’t understand the word “mahi”., Sorry, can you slow down a bit, please? - Someone is speaking too fast., Sorry, did you say fifty or fifteen? - You’re not sure whether the person said something cost 50 or 15 dollars., Sorry, I don't get it. Can you explain? - Your friend tells you a joke in English and you don't understand why it is funny., I'm not sure what you're getting at - don't you think I should come tonight? - You don’t understand the meaning behind what someone is trying to express, even though you understood the words. Your think they may not want you to come tonight.,
Clarifying and saying you don't understand - unjumble sentences
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