Day Time - The time during which the part of the Earth is exposed to the light, and heat, of the Sun., Night Time - The time during which the part of the Earth is blocked from the Sun's light due to the other half of Earth., Year - The length of time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun, which is 365.25 days., Day - The length of time it takes for the Earth to spin once on its axis, relative to the Sun, which is 24 hours., Earth Rotation - Earth spinning on its axis (24 hours), Earth Revolution - Earth's movement around the Sun(365.25 days), Northern Hemisphere - The half of the Earth that is North of the Equator and contains North America, part of South America, the Northern two thirds of Africa and most of Asia., Southern Hemisphere - The half of the Earth that is South of the Equator and contains most of South America, one third of Africa, Australia, Antarctica and New Zealand., Equator - An imaginary line around the middle of Earth that is found halfway between the north pole and south pole at 0 degrees latitude. It divides a planet into a Northern Hemisphere and a Southern Hemisphere., Day-night Cycle - is caused by the planet's rotation on its axis, which takes 24hrs, Counterclockwise - The earth's direction of spin as it rotates., East to West - Earth's rotation on its axis which makes the sun appear to rise in the east and set in the west., 180 degree longitude - Positioning of Northern Hemisphere relative to Southern Hemisphere which results in different time zones.,
L1 PESS Day and Night
Year 11
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