employee - person who is paid to work for someone else, employer - person who pays others to work, salary - money you are paid for doing a job, interview - a meeting in which you are asked questions to see if you are suitable for the job, pension - money your company pays you when you are old and have stopped working for them, application form - a list of questions from a company that you answer to try to get a job with them, benefits - extra things you get from your company in addition to your pay, for example health insurance or a company car, advertisement - an announcement in a newspaper/on a website which invites people to apply for a job, qualification - something you get when you pass an examination or complete a course, reference - a letter written by someone who knows you to say that you are suitable for a job, to apply for - to officially ask for a job (usually in writing), application - a formal written request for a job, vacancy - an open job that is available for someone to do, experience - knowledge or skills that you get from doing a job, CV - a formal list of your education and work experience that you send to a company you want to work for, dismissal - an occasion when an employer officially makes someone leave their job, colleague - someone that you work with, to be fired - to be told to leave your job, to retire - to finish your work for life, promotion - to get a higher, more important job in your organization, skilled - having the abilities needed to do an activity or job well, freelance - working for several different organizations and paid according to the hours you work,
Work - definitions
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