1) Only time will tell/say if the business will be successful. a) tell b) say 2) Ron bought a new *portable / flexible* hard disk drive where he can store up to 500GB. a) flexible b) portable 3) One of the most important technological *introductions / inventions* of the 20th century is the computer. a) introductions b) inventions 4) Your mobile phone has got a wide *ability / variety* of ringtones, but you always choose the most awful ones. a) ability b) variety 5) Does the price *provide / include* tax? a) include b) provide 6) You usually cannot use your mobile phone in lifts since there is a *weak / wide* signal. a) weak b) wide 7) Amanda came *in / up* with a wonderful idea for our Science project. a) in b) up 8) My new mobile has got a 2GB memory card so i can *store / invent* a lot of data. a) store b) invent 9) Pete couldn't make any phone calls because he had a weak *browser / signal*. a) browser b) signal 10) I can't stand that *ringtone / feature*.It's so annoying.Please change it. a) ringtone b) feature

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