conscientious - careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do, tedious - boring, a soft touch - kind or easy to deceive, perks - benefits, stammer - to speak with a lot of pauses, ally - a country that agrees to help or support another country in a war, get hold of - to find and speak to someone about something, sarcastic - saying things that are the opposite of what you mean,, colleague - someone who you work with in a company, surrender - to say officially that you want to stop fighting, get rid of - to make someone leave because you do not like, rebellion - an organized attempt to change the government or leader, demanding - needing a lot of ability, effort, or skill, determined - having a strong desire to do something, a cold fish - an unfriendly person, ceasefire - an agreement to stop fighting, retreat - to move away from the enemy, get on like a house of fire - to quickly have a very friendly relationship, wounded - injured by a weapon, refugees - someone who has been forced to leave their country, down to earth - practical and direct in a sensible honest way, bright - intelligent, steady - calm, monotonous - always being the same, get behind - late, declare - to state officially and publicly that a particular situation exists, promote - to give someone a better more responsible job,

advanced vocab unit 1-4

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