1) карта желаний a) go scuba diving b) a Dream map c) it looks amazing d) catch a cold  2) коллаж a) go scuba diving b) probably c) before d) collage 3) до a) before b) meet a famous person c) stay in a castle d) collage 4) вероятно a) take a selfie  b) a Dream map c) collage d) probably 5) сделать селфи a) go scuba diving b) have a party c) take a selfie  d) win a competition 6) простудиться a) meet a famous person b) catch a cold  c) ride a camel d) have a party 7) прыгнуть с парашютом a) meet a famous person b) win a competition c) catch a cold  d) do a parachute jump 8) заниматься подводным плаванием a) before b) go scuba diving c) I’d like to (I would like to) d) meet a famous person 9) устраивать вечеринку a) meet a famous person b) catch a cold  c) I’d like to (I would like to) d) have a party 10) учиться кататься на лыжах a) go scuba diving b) learn to ski c) collage d) a Dream map 11) встретить известную личность a) go scuba diving b) I’d like to (I would like to) c) have a party d) meet a famous person 12) ездить на верблюде a) go scuba diving b) ride a camel c) probably d) learn to ski 13) остановиться в замке a) a Dream map b) meet a famous person c) stay in a castle d) take a selfie  14) выиграть в соревновании a) win a competition b) stay in a castle c) learn to ski d) probably 15) я хотел бы … a) I’d like to (I would like to) b) probably c) go scuba diving d) win a competition 16) выглядит удивительно a) stay in a castle b) ride a camel c) it looks amazing d) meet a famous person

GG 4 Unit 3 pp 38-39 voc Part 1 (quiz)

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