1) You ___ in town. a) is b) are c) am 2) Sandra is ___ lawyer, and we are ___ hairdressers. a) an, - b) an, a c) a, - 3) ___ Kiki ___ jogging every morning? a) Does ... go b) Do ... go c) Do ... goes 4) Villie ___ telling a funy story and his friends ___ laughing. a) is ... is b) is ... are c) are ... are 5) Выберите грамматически правильную фразу. a) We always travel a lot. b) Always we travel a lot. c) We travel a lot always. 6) Выберите правильный перевод для фразы: "Они женятся завтра". a) They will get married tomorrow. b) They are going to get married tomorrow. c) They are getting married tomorrow. 7) Выберите правильный перевод для фразы: "Мы собираемся устроить вечеринку?" a) Are we going to have a party? b) Will we have a party? c) Do we have a party? 8) I ___ to James last week. a) haven't come b) didn't come c) wasn't come 9) ___ did you change the language on your phone to Hungarian? a) What b) Which c) Why 10) Bruce ___ to have a lot of hair. a) used to b) use to c) using to 11) A: How was your trip to Spain? B: It was ___ fantastic! a) very b) such c) absolutely 12) I sleep ___ than you. a) less b) little c) few 13) I am ___ student in our group. a) younger b) young c) the youngest 14) She lives between ___ hospital and ___ shop, on ___ tenth floor. a) the, the, the b) a, a, the c) -, -, the 15) I have got a fashionable ___. a) dresses b) dress c) dressed 16) Sunday is our ___ favourite day. a) children b) childrens c) chidlren's 17) My wife ___ working while I ___ reading the news. She was washing the dishes. a) was ... was b) didn't ... was c) wasn't ... was 18) She ___ bread when she ___ her finger. a) was slicing ... cut b) sliced ... was cutting c) was slicing ... was cutting 19) Did you enjoy ...? a) you b) yourself c) your 20) They ... go out today. They are sick. a) should b) can't c) must 21) We didn't have a car at that time because we ___ our old one. a) had sold b) weren't selling c) sold 22) We can have a picnic on Sunday ___ the weather is bad. a) if b) unless c) but 23) A doctor ___ examine the people when they don't feel well. a) need b) shouldn't c) must 24) They ___ be in the operating room in outerwear. a) shouldn't b) couldn't c) mustn't 25) He ___ to drink plenty of water. a) can b) needs c) need 26) I ___ to count calories. I'm slim and healthy. a) don't need b) shouldn't c) can't 27) He ___ reduce stress at work. He looks exhausted. a) mustn't b) can c) should 28) We ___ pick up snacks on our way to work. It's bad for our health. a) should b) shouldn't c) can't 29) This news ___ very important. a) are b) is c) were 30) We usually stay ___ days in Moscow every spring. a) a few b) a little c) any 31) I haven't got ___ time. a) many b) much c) a few 32) Can we have ___ cup of tea and two ___ cups of coffee? a) the, a b) a, a c) a, - 33) A: I don't have enough cash. B: Don't worry, I ___ lend you some. a) will b) am going to c) am 34) I ___ to ask you a few questions about your hobbies. a) can b) would like c) should 35) I go to the shop ___ some food. a) buy b) to buy c) buying 36) My friends and I go ___ every weekend. a) fish b) to fish c) fishing 37) Meryl Streep showed a really ___ performance in that movie. a) thrill b) thrilling c) thrilled 38) Выберите грамматически правильную фразу. a) a big new wide window b) a new wide big window c) a big wide new window 39) The note ___ with a pen. a) writes b) is writing c) is written 40) I printed the documents yesterday, ___ I? a) didn't b) did c) do 41) Выберите правильный перевод для фразы: "Джордан сказал, что у него большие неприятности". a) Jordan said he was in big trouble. b) Jordan said he is in big trouble. c) Jordan said he were in big trouble. 42) A butcher is a person ___ sells meat. a) which b) whose c) who

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