extract - substance that has been removed, pesticide - chemical substance used to kill pests, calorie - unit of energy contained in food, ingredient - food or liquid used to prepare a dish, nutritional - related to the healthy qualities of food, raw - not cooked, sour - not sweet, spicy - with a hot, strong flavour, vegetarian - person who does not eat meat or fish, vitamin - natural sybstance found in foos which helps your body to stay healthy, version - different form of something, sodium - chemical element, carbohydrate - food substance composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, in moderation - in a moderate way, immune system - system which protects the body from disease and infection, life expectancy - average number of years which a person or an animal is expected to live, eating disorder - a psychological condition characterised by atypical or disturbed eating habits, food group - group with foods with similar properties, local anaesthetic - anaesthetic that affects a particular part of the body, mortality rate - number of deaths over a certain period of time, dietary supplement - table or other form of medicine designed to correct possible deficiencies, considerably - significantly, ban - forbid by law, impact - strong effect or influence, contagious - spreading easily from one person to another, incurable - that cannot be cured, lethal - deadly, fatal - ending in death, treat - give medical care, cure - bring about full recovery,

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