1. We live here. It's ____ house. 2. Patryk, where is ____ bike? 1. Sarah and Veronica ____ got blonde hair. 2. ____ hair is blonde. 1. Me and my friends ____ got cool bikes. 2. ____ bikes are cool. 1. The dog ____ got short legs. 2. ____ legs are short. 1. Wow, you and your sister ____ got cool rooms. 2. ____ rooms are cool. 1. The students ____ got a clever teacher. 2. ____ teacher is clever. 1. Peter and Tim ____ got dark hair. 2. ____ hair is dark. 1. Simon and Veronica ____ got white teeth. 2. ____ teeth are white. 1. My brother and I ____ got blue eyes. 2. ____ eyes are blue. A. You and your parents ____ got a cool TV. B. ____ TV is cool A. The turtle ____ got short legs. B. ____ legs are short.


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