Did you study yesterday?, Did you work yesterday?, Did you ski yesterday?, Did you swim yesterday?, Did you practice yesterday?, Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?, Did you play baseball yesterday?, Did you watch TV yesterday?, Did you play tennis yesterday?, Did you study French yesterday?, Did you come here yesterday?, Did you drink tea yesterday?, Did you ring him yesterday?, Did you speak French yesterday?, Did you drink coffee yesterday?, Did you do that yesterday?, Did you go anywhere yesterday?, Did you go bowling yesterday?, Did you see Tom yesterday?, Did you wash clothes yesterday?, Did you go shopping yesterday?, Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday?, Did you skip school yesterday?, Did you weigh yourself yesterday?, Did you go to Nikko yesterday?, Did you go to school yesterday?, Did you enjoy the party yesterday?, Did you practice the piano yesterday?, Did you ride your bike yesterday?, Did you walk to school yesterday?, Did you go to the market yesterday?, Did you talk to your classmates yesterday?, Did you have a good time yesterday?, Did you go to the cinema yesterday?, Did you go to the zoo yesterday?, Did you listen to classical music yesterday?, Did you go to the restaurant yesterday?, Did you write anything in your diary yesterday?, Did you go to the library yesterday?, Did you go to Tom's concert yesterday?, Did you go to the party yesterday?, Did you feel the earthquake yesterday?, Did you speak to him yesterday?, Did you speak to her yesterday?, Did you talk to Tom yesterday?, Did you speak to them yesterday?, Did you eat fish yesterday?, Did you meet him yesterday?, Did you see him yesterday?, Did you see the match yesterday?,

Past Simple - Did you ____ yesterday? - sentences - zdania - 50 items - Gramatyka angielska - czasy - English grammar


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