to make an announcement - to announce sth, to make a comment on - to comment on, to not mince one's words - to not beat about the bush, to stick to the point - to keep to the topic, to read between the lines - to understand the real message, to take sth into account - to take sth into consideration, to spread romours - to gossip, to reach agreement - to agree, to pay sb a compliment - to compliment sb, to put it mildly - to be delicate about sth, to put it bluntly - to be open about sth, unanimous decision - the decision taken by everyone, slip of the tongue - to say sth one doesn't intend to, evasive response - a response that is unclear, to flatly reject sth - to openly reject sth, to be in favour of - to support, to address a problem - to tackle a problem, to have strong reservations about sth - to express criticism against sth, to agree to differ - to agree to disagree, staunch supporter - sb who supports sth wholeheartedly,


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